Saturday, December 26, 2015

Completed print

Pretty good for the 1st real print.

3D Printer

Today I commissioned my 3D printer. It is a reprap  Prusa Mendel i2. Here it is printing its first robot.

I still need to dress the wires and add some tweaks, like a fan for PLA printing.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Milee 2.0 aka the mistress...

Today I get a refurbed neato xv-21 for <$200. It looks brand new, shame too because it's going to get modded =) shortly. This is going to be the base of my next robot project.  For the time being I'm setting up ROS on a Beaglebone Black. I'll make a project page for this soon.

Saturday, September 06, 2014

Meet MiLEE aka Robot 1.0

I've gotten in a few of the parts for MiLEE and have done some assembly and primitive fabrication.  Here are MiLEE's baby pics.

Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Steampunk Gun v 1.0

For my upcoming wedding and other uses I made a steampunk gun.  This is a modified Nerf gun with some basic painting.  I have another in progress and 2 more for the future.  The 2 future ones will have working electronics inside.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Robot 1.0

I'm taking robotics (EGN4060C) this semester so working on a robot for the project. the project page is located here ( The project will involve a robot that moves on tank treads and locates cold objects (beer). The brains of the project are a parallax activity board coupled with a pixyCMU for vision.

Sunday, February 02, 2014

Raspberry Pi Irrigation Controller

I was finally able to finish my raspberry pi sprinkler controller.  It has been running on my bench for a week and I installed it today. Once it has been running for a week or so I'll add a followup post. The build log is here; Raspberry Pi Irrigation Controller

Sunday, September 22, 2013

As time permits I'm going to work on two new projects. First is a replacement for my current RainBird irrigation controller. I'm going to use a Raspberry Pi to control some relays, configurable via a webpage. Maybe I'll call it a RainPi. Anyway the page for this project is here. The second project is for the wedding. I'm attempting to make two LED hearts that change color the closer they get to one another. The base for this will be the Adafruit Flora, or Gemma.This projects page is here.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Summer Break Project

Two weeks from today starts my summer break.  I think I've decided to do something with Arduino/Xbee with homeseer.  Homeseer is the software I use to run my house, it controls things like HVAC, door locks, and lights, using a web and/or touch interface.  What I would like to do is use two xbee devices one on the server and one on the arduino and communicate back and forth.

Friday, April 13, 2012

National Robotics Week

Hooray! It's National Robotics Week.  To celebrate this event, adafruit is having a sale on things in their robotics category. With a couple weeks of relatively free time coming up between semesters it's time to start thinking about what I'm going to do. A couple of options I'm considering are:

Xbee plugin for homeseer.
arduino robot like "thing"


After nearly a decade of disuse, I have decided to dust off this old blog.  Using a combination of this blog and my personal website I'm going to attempt to keep track of the status of various projects I'm working on.  I have a full time job AND go to school at least half time we'll see how well i can keep up.

Friday, July 16, 2004


I have started collecting teapots. I now have 4 clay pots and 1 cast iron pot. I think my favorite tea is jasmine green tea. I get it offline from Adagio Teas. They also have on that site a brief history of tea and a guide on how to properly brew your tea.

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Beer Church Home Page

Ok now this is just too cool...

after becoming an ordained minister in the beer can then perform weddings etc.


Beer Church Home Page