DIY irrigation controller

First gather some supplies.

  • Raspberry pi. I'm using one I had laying around.
  • My RasPi is first gen so I needed edge mounts which I got from adafruit. I also grabbed a 4g SD card with raspbian on it.
  • USB WIFI dongle
  • sainsmart 8 relay board
  • 24V AC transformer
  • perf board I used an adafruit perma proto 1/2 board
  • 8 10kohm resistors
  • 8 2.2k 0hm resistors
  • 8 np2222 transistors
  • Orbit 57095 Sprinkler System Weather-Resistant Outdoor-Mounted Control Timer Box Cover
    I got it from amazon pretty cheap

Build Steps

  1. plug the SD card, power cable, WIFI dongle, HDMI, and Keyboard into your RasPi.
  2. Plug in the usb power cable. if your pi does not boot be sure to check that the adapter supplies enough power.  I had an old one lying around that won't power up the Pi.
  3. Once the pi has booted you need to configure networking, Click here for a guide.
  4. now get wiringPi;
    1. sudo apt-get install git
    2. git clone git://
    3. cd wiringPi
    4. git pull origin
    5. cd wiringPi
    6. ./build
  5. Now get Sprinklers_pi
    1. sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev build-essential
    2. git clone
    3. cd sprinklers_pi
    4. make
    5. sudo make install
    6. You can not visit your sprinkler pi page <raspi_IP_address:8080>
  6. At this point you not have a controller but no way to activate the irrigation valves.
  7. Now we need a switch board to activate the relays.  I used the this document from sainsmart as a guide.  

  1. Mount the boards in the box, if you have a gen1 raspi use edge mounts.

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