Monday, April 16, 2012

Summer Break Project

Two weeks from today starts my summer break.  I think I've decided to do something with Arduino/Xbee with homeseer.  Homeseer is the software I use to run my house, it controls things like HVAC, door locks, and lights, using a web and/or touch interface.  What I would like to do is use two xbee devices one on the server and one on the arduino and communicate back and forth.

Friday, April 13, 2012

National Robotics Week

Hooray! It's National Robotics Week.  To celebrate this event, adafruit is having a sale on things in their robotics category. With a couple weeks of relatively free time coming up between semesters it's time to start thinking about what I'm going to do. A couple of options I'm considering are:

Xbee plugin for homeseer.
arduino robot like "thing"


After nearly a decade of disuse, I have decided to dust off this old blog.  Using a combination of this blog and my personal website I'm going to attempt to keep track of the status of various projects I'm working on.  I have a full time job AND go to school at least half time we'll see how well i can keep up.